
From Undertale Fanfic Recommendations

All things visual, from standard webcomics to Tumblr Asks to doujins, if you have any.

Name Dreamer Reborn
Author(s) Fatz
Synopsis One of the first attempts to explore saving Asriel. Frisk has sacrificed their own soul to allow Asriel to live.
Main Character(s) Asriel, Frisk
Other Tags Pacifist Ending

One of my first ports of call when it came to that particular dissatisfaction with the main game. Light hearted for the most part, but not afraid to ponder the darker aspects of the series. The original Chara fight is one of my favourite sequences, and the Youtube remake is spectacularly animated. A fangame, The End is in the works to wrap it up, and the character and background design is superb, and I hope to recommend it when it comes out.


Name Growth Spurt
Author(s) pootoobrigham
Synopsis By one of the many ways pondered by the fandom, take your pick, Frisk has managed to save Asriel. The side effect however is he has included all that time spent as Flowey, and he has instantly grown into an irritable young adult, and we watch him attempt to rebuild his life.
Main Character(s) Asriel
Other Tags Pacifist Ending

Starting purely as rough gag sketches, it has developed into a regular comic, and while it remains funny, potoo is also willing to take a look at the more serious elements. The recounting of Asriel's childhood and how it ends is probably the strongest rendition of that scene I've seen anywhere. Heartbreaking stuff. And in the meantime despite the grumpiness, Asriel still has his soft center. A good balance.


Name The Caretaker of the Ruins
Author(s) eruto, minty and elipsis
Synopsis Frisk falls into the Underground, and is greeted not by a flower or a goat, but a human. Chara is Caretaker of the Ruins. However it quickly becomes apparent that this doesn't extend to everything within the Ruins...
Main Character(s) Chara, Frisk, Asriel
Other Tags Alternate Timeline

This comic has a gift of throwing you a curveball every now and then. You think the situation is this, and then it takes a radical turn. Then after establishing a baseline, it throws another curveball, relying on your assumptions of how an Undertale story goes to upend them. And it fleshes Chara out into a compellingly motivated character, if not sympathetic at all, and you can see how they've influenced those around them, but they remain their own characters as well. All the while the art is of consistently high quality. Also has perhaps the most original interpretation of Doctor Gaster in a while.


Name They Say He Shattered
Author(s) Emily Pendergraft
Synopsis The different possible endings are converging, and merging into each other. Explores a lot of different neutral endings.
Main Character(s) All of the main cast
Other Tags Neutral Endings, Pacifist Ending

This comic has an intriguing premise, and works with parts of the game that don't get a lot of attention.

- HushBugger