
From Undertale Fanfic Recommendations

Pretty straightforward. Crossovers with other stories, of all formats.

Name UnderDOOM
Author(s) JukingBox
Word Count 90,000 (Ongoing)
Crosses With DOOM
Synopsis Just as the barrier has broken, the Doom Slayer arrives in the Underground. And he's brought company
Main Character(s) Doomguy, Samuel Hayden, VEGA, Most of the Main Cast of Undertale
Other Tags Pacifist Ending, Lots of Violence

It feels like this shouldn't work, subjecting the Underground to everything DOOM has to offer. And yet it does. Doomguy is well fleshed out despite never saying an intelligible word, and for all the violence, it's married to beautiful character moments, as the assault upon the Underground forces characters to weather the ordeal and rise to meet the challenge, without ever giving up what makes them unique. A fantastic blend.


Name Socrates in the caves
Author(s) HushBugger
Word Count 1,500 (Ongoing)
Crosses With Greek Antiquity, Western Philosophy
Synopsis After being exiled from Athens, Socrates makes his way to Lacedaemon, but while climbing Mount Ebott, he falls in, and starts applying his methods to the denizens of the Underground
Main Character(s) Socrates, Undertale Main Cast
Other Tags Thinky stuff

HushBugger sets his scenarios up with an economy of words I really appreciate, as Socrates tirelessly deconstructs the worldview of everyone he encounters. A super original concept, and well executed.


Name MythosTale
Author(s) ErisAcolyte
Word Count 4,000
Crosses With Cthulhu mythos
Synopsis Undertale characters are reimagined as merged with Lovecraftian counterparts.
Main Character(s) Frisk, Sans, Chara
Other Tags Alternate Universe, Horror